(though not necessarily in that order)

(though not necessarily in that order)

Friday, 29 October 2010


I kid you not, here lies a blog post about jeans. As in the denim trousers. Huh?! I hear you cry. Well, people, read on for utter drivel about jeans.

I've bought a pair of jeans. To most, I'd guess this is probably not that big a deal, just a new pair of trousers. However to me it is a Big Deal.

I've not really worn jeans before. When I say "not really" I mean never. Staple trousers for summer are linen, during the winter I wear unusual long trousers or mid-calf thicker trousers with bright coloured socks. I don't suit trousers, but being a 'cellist and an organist I don't have much choice but to wear trousers at least 3 days of each week (for rehearsals/services). Other days I tend to automatically go for a skirt on the basis "I can, so I will".

When at my largest, I only could fit into über-stretchy trousers which looked dire, but it was the only option for the ever-expanding waistline. Thankfully I'm not in stretchy trousers anymore due to loosing weight. Still, the stretchy trousers lie in my trouser drawer just in case I'm unfortunate enough to get that big again.

Jeans are informal. Oh how I sometimes wish I could put on "tracky bottoms and a hoodie" (or whatever the lingo is) and feel comfortable. Jeans, even fairly smart looking ones such as I have bought are informal clothing.
My everyday clothing tends to be fairly formal, so then when I need to be smart/formal it is... er... the same clothes as every other day. Which means people don't fully see the difference.
I feel far more at home in a black suit and white shirt with a broach on and an unusual hair clip than in jeans and a t-shirt.

I've bought jeans. I need to work out how to wear them without looking like some men do at wedding ceremonies - really uncomfortable in a suit and tie and itching to loose the jacket and tie and undo the collar, whereas most women spend services shivering due to not realising skimpy dresses aren't warm enough for most days (I've probably done 20 weddings this year, so I end up doing a lot of people watching whilst waiting for the bride/during the service).

So, tomorrow I shall be wearing jeans out on my adventure to the middle of London with a 'cello. Hopefully the 'cello will mean I'll get used to these jeans as I'll be distracted by everything (yep, I am mad, hopefully my 'cello and I shall return to the countryside in one piece). Still going to have a shirt on so still in my normal top-half clothing, but I'm going to try jeans.

So there you have it, a blog post about jeans. Told you it was utter drivel...

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